14 Sept 2012

So it begins

I am pretty excited right now.

This is the day. This morning was the last time I woke up in my bed in Joensuu for a long time. Not that I got much sleep, though; I spent most of the night trying to fall asleep while my brain was busy going through every single imaginable worst-case scenario regarding today.

Yes, I'm going on exchange. To Steyr, Austria. I will be posting (more or less) frequent updates on my life there, learning experiences and other interesting stuff so you might want to tune in. It's a school project, since the English (and the 'learning experiences' part in that previous sentence), but I'm going to follow a casual style policy in this blog for everyone's convenience.

But yeah, now that we got that official part over with, I have to confess I'm freaking out a little bit in here. Last night was the first time it really occured to me that I'm going away for real. I then proceeded to "ohmygodohmygodohmygod", roll around in my bed and repeatedly check my luggage. Which was a good thing, since I would have otherwise forgotten to pack my camera. Pffft.

Considering the above, I wonder if I'm even going to make it to Steyr alive :D

Wish me luck.

One more thing: the actual flights take around four hours. But all strings attached, I'll leave Joensuu train station today evening and arrive at Austria tomorrow somewhere around 2pm. Awwww yeah.