17 Sept 2012

Alive in Austria

What a trip. In the end it took me more than 24 hours to make it from Joensuu to Steyr; I felt like a disfigured shadow of a human being.

But now I'm good, I've actually slept decent hours in the past couple of nights and I'm slowly starting to settle in to Steyr. My tutors have been amazing, really making sure I get what I need and more. They even took us to a bar in the very first evening an hour after we had arrived in Steyr and following a night when I had no more than two hours of sleep. It did turn out to be a fun trip, nevertheless, and I got a kickstart with meeting people here.

The city looks really nice, the ancient (from a Finnish point of view anyway) centre where I live is really tight built, so you have small alleys and beautiful old houses all over the place.

The house I live in is also nice, but I'm pretty sure the floor in my flat is a little tilted. Somebody has attached little name signs to each door with the person's name and a little flag so you know where they come from - pretty cute I think. The house is pretty much of a maze, too, and I and Stan the Dutchman have spent two days looking for the laundry room that is supposedly located somewhere in the first floor, but one does not simply find it. I'm starting to suspect it might be hidden behind the really creepy real-size Jesus on a crucifix that stares at you every time you get up the stairs.

Today was the first day at school as well. Not that we would've done much yet, it was more of a briefing event where they explained how things work around here plus signing a couple of documents. In German. I hope I didn't just sign up for a lifetime of slavery.

Anyway, there's going to be a Games night today at the university. Looking forward to what might happen, I guess it's a breaking the ice kind of thing.


  1. Mukavan näköst rakennusta näyttää olevan. Meillähän ton tapaset kauniit on jo jyrätty alas.

    Ja ota nyt toi roboottivarmistus pois, vituttaa ku ei saa kirjotettavist sanoist selvää. :)

  2. Enpä ollu huomannukaan että tommonen on päällä. Kiitos kun huomautit :)
